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Ashfield Town Centre Upgrade

In December 2014, a new Public Domain Strategy for Ashfield Town Centre was proposed following an extensive community consultation process. To renew and revitalise Ashfield Town Centre, the Strategy includes innovative design solutions for key places in the Town Centre, proposed locations for new public open space, new street tree planting and paving initiatives, locations for community art and proposals for Water Sensitive Urban Design stormwater treatments. Features of the scheme include provisions for high pedestrian activity in street intersections - Improving safety, and sight-lines; vibrant atmosphere in laneways through considered placement of lighting, and street art; adjustment to arrangements for pedestrians to help activate space, and provide natural surveillance; and implementation of rain gardens and other water sensitive techniques to mitigate runoff impact.

Acton Ridge Axis

The Australian National University approached us to develop a broad strategy and concept design for a large zone centrally located within the campus that encompasses various areas and functions. The planning and design undertaking is about drawing together a wide variety of aspirations for the important structuring element of the campus and combining them in a single vision - which can then be taken forward into a structure delivery program.

ANU Projects 2015-2016

The university advertised nationally for the production of a Strategim Landscape Plan following the development of general operational plan for the university at the beginning of the 1990s. The campus covers approximately 150 hectares, with a wide variety of environmental, heritage and circulation issues. The work was undertaken by Paul Knox, now Principal Landscape Architect at COMPLETE Urban, who subsequently went on to produce documentation of many projects, gradually implementing the vision of the Strategic Plan. This relationship has been continuous ever since. COMPLETE is currently engaged in design of an upgrade of the landscape of the College of Law and with pathway upgrades at various locations.

Green Square to Randwick Cycleway

COMPLETE Urban have been engaged to perform all necessary feasibility investigations, concept design and design development for the preparation of detailed design documentation and construction stage services for the Green Square to Randwick Cycleway. The route is to link between the proposed Portman Street Cycleway and the City of Sydney Council / Randwick Council boundary on Epsom Road.